
Digital Pedometer inSPORTline Strippy Code: 5640

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49.00€ with discount: 40%


Savings: 19.60€

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Digital Pedometer inSPORTline Strippy is a useful pedometer with a number of functions. Its main functions include a step counter, distance measurement, counting burned calories or measuring the time of your walk. Thanks to a 30-day memory, the measured data are retained for this period of time. The data can be downloaded onto your computer via an app to easily compare results, follow statistics, etc. The pedometer’s other advantages include an alarm clock, low weight and waterproof silicone body. The pedometer can be of course used as a classic wristwatch. All these attributes make Digital Pedometer inSPORTline Strippy a popular device to take on walks.

Technical description:

  • Fashionable design
  • Waterproof silicone body
  • 4 buttons (light, set, mode, reset)
  • Backlit display
  • 30-day memory
  • Displaying memory
  • Displaying accumulated data
  • Time
  • Alarm clock
  • Can be connected to your computer via USB connector (part of the package)
  • Application for data comparison – Pedometer Management
  • Strap dimensions: length: 280 mm x width: 26 mm x thickness: 2 mm
  • Display dimensions: length: 46 mm x width: 40 mm x thickness: 13 mm
  • Weight: 54 g
  • Battery: CR2032, 3V (button cell)
  • Rolled silicone strap without buckle
  • Suitable to wear on both arms and legs

  • Step counter (Step)
  • Approximate overcome distance (Km/Mile)
  • Approximate calories burned (Kcal)
  • Measuring the time of your walk (Min)
  • Number of steps, number of burned calories, overcome distance and time of the walk for the last 30 days are saved to memory (Record)
  • Total number of steps, burned calories, overcome kilometres and minutes spent walking (Total)
  • A function that allows you to set the alarm (ALM)

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